International Franchising: Choose your country

In this section we have complied an “International Franchising: Choose your country handbook”, which includes useful information about international franchising. The information is set-up as a “question and answer interview”, where you’ll find that the questions follow a logical order most likely as if you had asked them yourself. The answers seek to pinpoint what you need to know; where to learn more; and for what purposes you will most need outside advise. By the time you’ve read Countries A, B, and C, you will have a pretty clear idea of whether there are any ‘show-stopper’ countries. Short of those, you will have identified trouble spots that may dictate deferring consideration of one or more countries until some threshold issues can be explored.

Make no mistake about it. These pages will not make you an expert in the ‘law of franchising’ and it will certainly not make you an authority on many of the other disciplines required to have a successful international franchise program. What they can do, however, is to distil from otherwise inaccessible or indigestible masses of information what you would need to know about the interface between franchising and, for example, trademark law and competition law.

You almost certainly will need to consult with local counsel tax advisor and your franchise consultant, but, armed with the material provided here, you will be able to do so in a far more informed, disciplined and cost-effective manner. Now you only have to choose your destination!

Choose your country…

Franchising infomations  Australia
Franchising infomations  Austria
Franchising infomations  Belgium »
Franchising infomations  Brazil »
Franchising infomations  Canada
Franchising infomations  Chile
Franchising infomations  China
Franchising infomations  Colombia
Franchising infomations  Czech Republic
Franchising infomations  Denmark
Franchising infomations  El Salvador
Franchising infomations  Finland »
Franchising infomations  France »
Franchising infomations  Germany
Franchising infomations  Guatemala »
Franchising infomations  Hong Kong
Franchising infomations  Hungary
Franchising infomations  India
Franchising infomations  Indonesia
Franchising infomations  Italy »
Franchising infomations  Japan
Franchising infomations  Korea
Franchising infomations  Malaysia
Franchising infomations  Mexico »
Franchising infomations  Netherlands »
Franchising infomations  New Zealand
Franchising infomations  Philippines
Franchising infomations  Puerto Rico
Franchising infomations  Romania
Franchising infomations  Russia
Franchising infomations  Singapore
Franchising infomations  South Africa
Franchising infomations  Spain » 
Franchising infomations  Sweden
Franchising infomations  Switzerland »
Franchising infomations  Thailand
Franchising infomations  Turkey
Franchising infomations  Ukraine
Franchising infomations  United Kingdom
Franchising infomations  United States »
Franchising infomations  Vietnam
Franchising infomations Country Informations

Documents that will help you better understand the country

IFCN Members

IFCN member that can help you enter the local market

International Franchising: Choose your country Infographic

Laws Applicable to Franchising (updated February 2014)


International franchising Choose your country Laws Applicable to Franchising

Does not include:
Codes of conduct which do not provide for governamental or private enforcement, even if promulgated under governamental authority
Bodies of law (e.g. competition, intellectual property,etc.) which also cover franchising, unless explicitly mentioned
These articles were first published in Getting the Deal Through – Franchise 2014, (contributing editor Philip F Zeidman). For further information please visit